Remote but Connected: a co-created digital platform to enable caregivers to support independent living for people with disability in the face of Covid-19

Remote but Connected: a co-created digital platform to enable caregivers to support independent living for people with disability in the face of Covid-19.

Lead researcher: Lynette Joubert,
Department of Social Work
Team members: Nathan Grills, Greg Wadley, Wendy Chapman, Rod Carracher, Manjula Marella, Victoria Palmer, Penelope Pane
Partner organisations: Yooralla

The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting people with disability highlighting a need to create alternative (remote) avenues for service delivery. Caregivers provide an important link to disability services. Our pilot intervention digitally links caregivers to resources and networks, as well as exploring pathways for linking people with disability to these resources.

This project aims to:

  • To clarify the resource pathways caregivers access in supporting people with disability in independent living.
  • To co-create a digital platform to improve caregiver access to these resources by carers
  • To evaluate acceptability/feasibility of the digital platform for caregivers and people with disability.