Disability Research Community of Practice

The Melbourne Disability Institute invites researchers from across the University of Melbourne to join a Community of Practice focused on Disability Research.

The Melbourne Disability Institute facilitates a disability research community of practice to discuss current disability research and policy, hear from experts in the field and connect with like-minded researchers from across the university.

The goals of the community of practice are to:

  • Provide a forum to enable information sharing (e.g., research findings, experiences, lessons learned, best practices) and problem-solving relevant to disability research
  • Spark dialogue about disability, research and translation of research into practice
  • Encourage collaboration within and outside of the University of Melbourne
  • Develop, facilitate and mobilise resources for disability research
  • Cultivate champions and facilitate connections between experts who might not otherwise interact

The group gathers monthly over Zoom and the occasional in-person breakfast, lunch or evening session.

Questions, suggestions, feedback or interested in joining the mailing list? Please email md-i@unimelb.edu.au and include 'DR Community of Practice' in the subject line.

More Information

Dr Raelene West, Sara Donaldson


+61 3 9035 6416