A mixed methods evaluation of a wellbeing service for parents of children with complex neurodevelopmental conditions

A mixed methods evaluation of a wellbeing service for parents of children with complex neurodevelopmental conditions

Chief Investigator: Professor David Amor

This project is to evaluate a Parent Wellbeing Service, a current pilot program within the Department of Neurodevelopment and Disability, Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH). This pilot supports parents of children with a Neurodevelopmental Disability (ND) who receive ongoing outpatient medical care within the department. This research will identify the barriers and facilities of the program, and inform the improved modifications of the service. It will provide key data on whether taking an innovative, novel approach to focus on parents within a paediatric tertiary hospital has the potential to improve medical treatment for the child and save money in terms of reduced inpatient stays from complex psychosocial contexts and lengthy paediatrician consult times.

Research  outcomes

The project is currently part-way through data collection which will contribute valuable data to inform understanding of the well-being of children with neurodisabilities and their families during the protracted COVID-19 pandemic in 2019-21.