My Housing Question

Do you have a question about non-SDA disability housing? Tell us what it is and we will do our best to answer it as part of this project.

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Your Housing questions answered

All Housing Segments
What are the barriers to accessing and maintaining housing for NDIS participants?
What types of housing are available for people with a disability?
What affordability benchmarks are used in housing?

Can SDA recipients own their own SDA?
What options are available for a young person living in residential aged care?
What new governance models for group homes are out there?

Existing SDA
How have group homes changed?
Are people who get SDA allowed to claim Commonwealth Rent Assistance and how is it determined?

Non-SDA Supported Accommodation
How will the NDIS impact people living in Supported Residential Services (SRS)? Will they be able to access alternative options?

Social Housing
Why do social housing landlords require NDIS participants to have supports before considering their application? Is this requirement discrimination?

In Own Home
Who can I appoint as manager for the house (which we own) in which our son lives, who is not eligible for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)?

The NDIS Housing Pathways Project
What is the MDI NDIS Housing Pathways Project?